Energy Bill: Is there a way out for India?

Energy Bill: Is there a way out for India?

The one possible way to get rid of Oil bill, to a large extent, is:
1. Improve public transport and make it almost free. The free is anyway paid by people (taxes), and it encourages use.
This will reduce use of personal transport, hence reduced Oil bill.
2. Solar energy: Set a standard market price per KW. Give income tax rebate to the extent of full cost of installation done by people for any use. This way, people invest, reducing investment load on government and also reducing Oil bill.
3. Use small hydro power that takes care of fewer users with very small investment. Yes, it reduces government control, but, reduces Oil bill. This can result in generating more than 20,000 megawatt power across country. Let this whole investment be done by users through innovative tax instruments, that are usually developed for the rich only.
4. The point about hydro power is also valid for Wind power.
Posted in Default Category on May 25 at 10:41 PM

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