Ruchi Dhona

  • Gender: Female
  • Born on: February 07
  • Ruchi Dhona
    I'm very excited about checking out the puppet show based on one of my favourite books, Gone Grandmother by Chatura Rao. See details below and visit link for tickets.

    Based on Chatura Rao's award winning children's book ‘Gone Grandmother’, Ishara’s colourful puppets & actors weave a dreamscape of sensitive eloquence, in this touching inter-generational family story. A profound parable of love & loss, a little girl taking care of her mother, wonders where her nani (grandmother) has gone....  more
    Ishara puppet festival | Puppet festival in Delhi | International puppet theatre festival
    Book your tickets to the Ishara International Puppet Theatre Festival to be held in Delhi on 20th - 27th February only on Kyazoonga. Kyazoonga is...
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