Know catalog modifications.
Get there: More > Tools > Catalog > Batch item modification
This tool will allow you to modify a batch of item records in Koha.
![Koha Batch item modification](
From the tool you can choose to upload a file of barcodes or item ids, or you can scan items one by one into the box below the upload tool. You can also decide the items edited should be populated with the default values you have defined in your default framework.
Once you have your file uploaded or the barcodes listed you can click 'Continue.'
![Koha Batch item modification](
You will be presented with a summary of the items you want to modify. From here you can uncheck the items you don't want to modify before making changes in the form below. You can also hide columns you don't need to see to prevent having to scroll from left to right to see the entire item form.
To uncheck all items thar are currently checked out you can click the 'Clear on loan' link at the top of the form.
Using the edit form you can choose which fields to make edits to. By checking the checkbox to the right of each field you can clear the values in that field for the records you are modifying.
![Koha Batch item modification](
Once you have made you changes you will be presented with the resulting items.
![Koha Batch item modification](
You can also edit items on one bib record in a batch by going to the bib record and clicking Edit > Edit items in batch
![Koha Batch item modification](
Get there: More > Tools > Catalog > Batch item deletion
This tool will allow you to delete a batch of item records from Koha.
From the tool you can choose to upload a file of barcodes or item ids, or you can scan items one by one into the box below the upload tool.
![Koha Batch item deletion](
Once you have your file uploaded or the barcodes scanned you can click 'Continue.'
You will be presented with a confirmation screen. From here you can uncheck the items you don't want to delete and decide if Koha should delete the bib record if the last item is being deleted before clicking 'Delete selected items.' If you'd like you can delete the bibliogrphic record if you're deleting the last item by clicking the checkbox next to 'Delete records if no items remain'.
![Koha Batch item deletion](
If your file (or list of scanned barcodes) has more than 1000 barcodes, Koha will be unable to present you with a list of the items. You will still be able to delete them, but not able to choose which items specifically to delete or delete the biblio records.
![Koha Batch item deletion](
If the items are checked out you will be presented with an error after clicking 'Delete selected items' and the items will not be deleted.
![Koha Batch item deletion](
If the items can be deleted they will be and you will be presented with a confirmation of your deletion.
![Koha Batch item deletion](
This tool will take a batch of record numbers for either bibliographic records or authority records and allow you to delete all those records and any items attached to them in a batch.
![Koha Batch record deletion](
First you need to tell the tool if you're deleting bibliographic or authority records. Next you can load a file with biblionumbers or authids or enter a list of those numbers in the box provided. Once you submit the form you will be presented with a summary of the records you are trying to delete.
![Koha Batch record deletion](
If a record you want to delete can't be deleted it will be highlighted.
Check the records you want to delete and click the 'Delete selected records' button to finish the process.
Get there: More > Tools > Catalog > Batch record modification
This tool will allow you to edit batches of bibliographic and/or authority records using MARC Modification Templates. Before visiting this tool you will want to set up at least one MARC modification template.
![Koha Batch record deletion](
When you visit the tool it will ask you:
Choose whether you're editing bibliographic or authority records
Enter the biblionumbers or authids
You can upload a file of these numbers or
Enter the numbers (one per line) in the box provided
Finally choose the MARC Modification Template you'd like to use to edit these records.
Once you've entered your critera click 'Continue'
![Koha Batch record deletion](
You will be presented with a list of records that will be edited. Next to each one is a checkbox so you can uncheck any items you would rather not edit at this time.
Clicking Preview MARC will allow you to see what edits will be made when you finalize the edit.
![Koha Batch record deletion](
Once you're sure everything is the way you want you can click the 'Modify selected records' button and your records will be modified.
Get there: More > Tools > Catalog > Automatic item modifications by age
This tool allows librarians to update item specific fields when an item reaches a certain age.
Staff need the items_batchmod permission to access this tool
The settings in this tool will be acted upon by the corresponding cron job
If you haven't created any rules you will see the option to 'Add rules' on the Tool page. Click this button to create rules.
![Koha Batch record deletion](
If you have rules already there will be a button that reads 'Edit rules'. To create a new rule click the 'Edit rules' button at the top of the page
![Koha Batch record deletion](
You will be brought to a page where you can edit exisitng rules or create a new rule
![Koha Batch record deletion](
In the form that appears you can set :
the age in days at which the item will update (Age)
what criteria is needed to trigger the update (Conditions)
what changes are made when the script runs (Substitutions)
![Koha Batch record deletion](
Once you're done you can click the 'Add this rule' link and then add additional rules or you can click the 'Submit these rules' button to save your changes.
![Koha Batch record deletion](
Get there: More > Tools > Catalog > Export Data
Koha comes with a tool that will allow you to export your bibliographic, holdings and/or authority data in bulk. This can be used to send your records to fellow libraries, organizations or services; or simply for backup purposes.
At the top of the screen you need to pick what data you're exporting. If you're exporting bibliographic records with or without the holdings information you want to click the 'Export bibliographic records' tab.
Fill in the form in order to limit your export to a specific range (all fields are optional)
Choose to limit your export by any one or more of the following options
Limit to a bib number range
Limit to a specific item type
ImportantThis limit will use the type you have defined in the item-level_itypes preference. If you have the item-level_itypes preference set to 'specific item' and you have no items attached to a bib record it will not be exported. To get all bib records of a specific type you will need your item-level_itypes preference set to 'biblio record'.
Limit to a specific library or group of libraries
Limit to a call number range
Limit to an acquisition date range
If you'd like you can load a file of biblionumbers for the records you would like to export
Next choose what to skip when exporting
By default items will be exported, if you would like to only export bibliographic data, check the 'Don't export items' box
To limit your export only to items from the library you're logged in as (if you leave the 'Library' field set to 'All') or to the library you selected above check the 'Remove non-local items' box
You can also choose what fields you don't want to export. This can be handy if you're sharing your data, you can remove all local fields before sending your data to another library
Finally choose the file type and file name
Choose to export your data in marc or marcxml format
Choose the name you want your file to save as
Click 'Export bibliographic records'
2.6.2 Export Authority Records
At the top of the screen you need to pick what data you're exporting. If you're exporting authority records you want to click the 'Export authority records' tab.
Fill in the form in order to limit your export to a specific range or type of authority record (all fields are optional)
Or you can choose a file of authids to export
Next choose fields that you would like to exclude from the export separated by a space (no commas)
If you'd like to exclude all subfields of the 200 for example just enter 200
If you'd like to exclude a specific subfield enter it beside the field value 100a will exclude just the subfield 'a' of the 100
Finally choose the file type and file name
Choose to export your data in marc or marcxml format
Choose the name you want your file to save as
Click 'Export authority records'
Get there: More > Tools > Catalog > Inventory/Stocktaking
Koha's Inventory Tool can be used in one of two ways, the first is by printing out a shelf list that you can then mark items off on, or by uploading a text files of barcodes gathered by a portable scanner.
If you do not have the ability to use your barcode scanner on the floor of the library, the first option available to you is to generate a shelf list based on criteria you enter.
![Koha Inventory/Stocktaking)](
Choose which library, shelving location, call number range, item status and when the item was last seen to generate a shelf list that you can then print to use while walking around the library checking your collection
![Koha Inventory/Stocktaking)](
Alternatively you can export the list to a CSV file for altering in an application on your desktop. Simply check the box next to 'Export to csv file' to generate this file.
Once you have found the items on your shelves you can return to this list and check off the items you found to have the system update the last seen date to today.
If you have a portable scanner (or a laptop and USB scanner) you can walk through the library with the scanner in hand and scan barcodes as you come across them. Once finished you can then upload the text file generated by the scanner to Koha
![Koha Inventory/Stocktaking)](
Choose the text file and the date you want to mark all items as seen and then scroll to the very bottom and click 'Submit.'
2.8 Label Creator
Get there: More > Tools > Catalog > Label Creator
The Label Creator allow you to use layouts and templates which you design to print a nearly unlimited variety of labels including barcodes. Here are some of the features of the Label Creator module:
Customize label layouts
Design custom label templates for printed labels
Build and manage batches of labels
Export single or multiple batches
Export single or multiple labels from within a batch
Export label data in one of three formats:
PDF - Readable by any standard PDF reader, making labels printable directly on a printer
CSV - Export label data after your chosen layout is applied allowing labels to be imported in to a variety of applications
XML - Included as an alternate export format
2.8.1 Templates
Get there: More > Tools > Label Creator > Manage > Label templates
A template is based on the label/card stock you are using. This might be Avery 5160 for address labels, Gaylord 47-284 for spine labels or Avery 28371 for your patron cards, just to give a couple of examples. These labels will include all of the information you will need for setting up a Koha, this information may be on the packaging, and if not it can usually be found on the vendor's website. Add a Template
To add a new template, you want to click on the 'New' button at the top of the Label Creator and choosing 'Label template'.
![Koha Add a Template](
Using the form that appears you can define the template for your sheet of labels or cards.
![Koha Add a Template](
Template ID will be automatically generated after saving your template, this is simply a system generated unique id
Template Code should be something you can use to identify your template on a list of templates
You can use the Template Description to add additional information about the template
The Units pull down is used to define what measurement scale you're going to be using for the template. This should probably match the unit of measurement used on the template description provided by the product vendor.
The measurements, number of columns and number of rows can be found on the vendor product packaging or website.
ImportantIf you do not supply a left text margin in the template, a 3/16" (13.5 point) left text margin will apply by default.
A profile is a set of "adjustments" applied to a given template just prior to printing which compensates for anomalies unique and peculiar to a given printer (to which the profile is assigned).
Before picking a profile try printing some sample labels so that you can easily define a profile that is right for your printer/template combination.
After finding any anomalies in the printed document, create a profile and assign it to the template.
After saving, your templates will appear on the 'Manage' area under 'Label templates'.
![Koha Add a Template](
2.8.2 Profiles
Get there: More > Tools > Label Creator > Manage > Printer Profiles
A profile is a set of "adjustments" applied to a given template just prior to printing which compensates for anomalies unique and peculiar to a given printer (to which the profile is assigned). This means if you set a template up and then print a sample set of data and find that the items are not all aligned the same on each label, you need to set up a profile for each printer to make up for the differences in printing styles, such as the shifting of text to the left, right, top or bottom.
If your labels are printing just the way you want, you will not need a profile. Add a Profile
To add a new profile, you want to click on the 'New' button at the top of the Label Creator tool and choose 'Printer profile'.
![Koha Profiles](
Using the form that appears you can create a profile to fix any problems with your template.
![Koha Profiles](
The Printer Name and Paper Bin do not have to match your printer exactly, they are for your reference so you can remember what printer you have set the profile for. So if you want to use the Printer model number in printer name or you can call it 'the printer on my desk'
Template will be filled in once you have chosen which template to apply the profile to on the template edit form
The Units pull down is used to define what measurement scale you're going to be using for your profile.
Offset describes what happens when the entire image is off center either vertically or horizontally and creep describes a condition where the distance between the labels changes across the page or up and down the page
For these values, negative numbers move the error up and to the left and positive numbers move the error down and to the right
Example: the text is .25" from the left edge of the first label, .28" from the left edge of the second label and .31" from the left edge of the third label. This means the horizontal creep should be set to .03" to make up for this difference.
After saving, your profiles will appear on the 'Manage' area under 'Printer profiles'.
![Koha Profiles](
Once you have saved your new profile, you can return to the list of templates and choose to edit the template that this profile is for.
2.8.3 Layouts
Get there: More > Tools > Label Creator > Manage > Layouts
A layout is used to define the fields you want to appear on your labels. Add a Layout
To add a new layout, you want to click on the 'New' button at the top of the Label Creator tool and choose 'Layout'.
![Add a Layout](
Using the form that appears you can create a profile to fix any problems with your template.
![Add a Layout](
The name of your layout can be anything you'd like to help you identify it later.
If this is a barcode label you'll want to choose the encoding (Code 39 is the most common)
The layout type can be any combination of bibliographic information and/or barcode. For example a spine label would just be Biblio whereas a label for your circulation staff to use to checkout the book would probably be Biblio/Barcode.
The Bibliographic Data to Print includes any of the data fields that may be mapped to your MARC frameworks. You can choose from the preset list of fields or you can click on 'List Fields' and enter your own data. In 'List Fields', you can specify MARC subfields as a 4-character tag-subfield string: (ie. 254a for the title field), You can also enclose a whitespace-separated list of fields to concatenate on one line in double quotes. (ie. "099a 099b" or "itemcallnumber barcode"). The fields available are from the database tables list below. Finally you could add in static text strings in single-quote (ie. 'Some static text here.')
You can use the schema viewer ( with the following tables to find field names to use:
Currently all fields in the following tables are used: items, biblioitems, biblio, branches
Choose if the label maker should print out the guidelines around each label
Choose if you'd like Koha to try to split your call numbers (usually used on Spine Labels)
Finally choose your text settings such as alignment, font type and size.
After saving, your layouts will appear on the 'Manage Layouts' page.
2.8.4 Batches
Get there: More > Tools > Label Creator > Manage > Label batches
Batches are made up of the barcodes you would like to print. Once in this tool you can search for the item records you would like to print out labels for. Add a Batch
Batches can be created in one of two ways. The first is to click the 'Create Label Batch' link on the 'Staged MARC Management' page:
![Koha Add a Batch](
The other is to choose to create a new batch from the label creator tool
![Koha Add a Batch](
You will be brought to an empty batch with a box to scan barcodes or itemnumbers in to and an 'Add item(s)' button at the bottom of the page.
![Koha Add a Batch](
You can either scan barcodes in to the box provided and click the 'Add item(s)' button or you can click the 'Add item(s)' button with the barcodes box empty. Clicking 'Add item(s)' with nothing in the barcodes box will open a search window for you to find the items you want to add to the batch.
![Koha Add a Batch](
From the search results, click the check box next to the items you want to add to the batch and click the 'Add checked' button. You can also add items one by one by clicking the 'Add' link to the left of each item.
![Koha Add a Batch](
Once you have added all of the items click the 'Done' button. The resulting page will list the items you have selected.
![Koha Add a Batch](
To print your labels, click the 'Export full batch' button. To print only some of the labels, click the 'Export selected item(s)' button. Either way you will be presented with a confirmation screen where you can choose your template and layout.
![Koha Add a Batch](
You will then be presented with three download options: PDF, Excel, and CSV.
![Koha Add a Batch](
After saving your file, simply print to the blank labels you have in your library.
Get there: More > Tools > Catalog > Quick Spine Label Creator
This tool does not use the label layouts or templates, it simply prints a spine label in the first spot on the label sheet.
Define the fields you want to print on the spine label in the SpineLabelFormat system preference
Format your label printing by editing spinelabel.css found in koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/css/
To use this tool you simply need the barcode for the book you'd like to print the spine label for.
![Koha Quick Spine Label Creato](
The MARC Modification Templates system gives Koha users the power to make alterations to MARC records automatically while staging MARC records for import.
This tool is useful for altering MARC records from various venders/sources work with your MARC framework. The system essentially allows one to create a basic script using actions to Copy, Move, Add, Update and Delete fields.
Start by adding a new template (a template can be made up of one or more actions) by entering a name and clicking 'Create template'.
![Koha MARC modification templates](
Next you can add actions to the template by filling in the Action box. For example if you're loading in a batch of files from your EBook vendor you might want to add the biblio item type of EBOOK to the 942$c.
![Koha MARC modification templates](
Choose 'Add/Update'
Enter the field 942 and subfield c
Enter the value of 'EBOOK' (or whatever your ebook item type code is)
Provide a description so you can identify this action later
Click 'Add action'
Each action can also have an optional condition to check the value or existance of another field. For example you might want to add the call number to the item record if it's not already there.
![Koha MARC modification templates](
Choose 'Copy'
Decide if you want to copy the first occurance or all occurances of the field
Enter the field 090 (or other biblio call number field) and subfield a to copy
Enter the 952 field and o subfield to copy to
Choose 'if'
Enter the 952 field and o subfield
Choose "doesn't exist"
Provide a description so you can identify this action later
Click 'Add action'
The Copy & Move actions also support Regular Expressions, which can be used to automatically modify field values during the copy/move. An example would be to strip out the '$' character in field 020$c.
![Koha MARC modification templates](
Choose 'Copy and replace'
Decide if you want to copy the first occurance or all occurances of the field
Enter the field 020 and subfield c to copy
Enter the 020 field and c subfield to copy to
Check the 'RegEx' box and enter your regular expression (in this case s/\$// )
Choose 'if'
Enter the 020 field and c subfield
Choose "matches"
Check the 'RegEx' box and enter your regular expression (in this case m/^\$/ )
Provide a description so you can identify this action later
Click 'Add action'
The value for an update can include variables that change each time the template is used. Currently, the system supports two variables, __BRANCHCODE__ which is replaced with the branchcode of the library currently using the template, and __CURRENTDATE__ which is replaced with the current date in ISO format ( YYYY-MM-DD ).
You could also use regular expressions to add your library's proxy URL in front of links in your MARC record.
![Koha MARC modification templates](
Choose 'Copy and replace'
Decide if you want to copy the first occurance or all occurances of the field
Enter the field 856 and subfield u to copy
Enter the 856 field and u subfield to copy to
Check the 'RegEx' box and enter your regular expression (in this case s/^/PROXY_URL/ )
Provide a description so you can identify this action later
Click 'Add action'
When choosing between 'Copy' and 'Copy and replace' keep the following example in mind:
245 _aThe art of computer programming _cDonald E. Knuth. 300 _aA_exists _bB_exists
If we apply action (a) Copy the whole field 245 to 300, we get:
245 _aThe art of computer programming _cDonald E. Knuth. 300 _aA_exists _bB_exists 300 _aThe art of computer programming _cDonald E. Knuth.
If we apply action (b) Copy the subfield 245$a to 300$a, we get:
245 _aThe art of computer programming _cDonald E. Knuth. 300 _aThe art of computer programming _bB_exists
Once your actions are saved you can view them at the top of the screen. Actions can be moved around using the arrows to the left of them.
![Koha MARC modification templates](
Depending on your actions the order may be very important. For example you don't want to delete a field before you copy it to another field.
To add another template you can either start fresh or click the 'Duplicate current template' checkbox to create a copy of an existing template to start with.
![Koha MARC modification templates](
Once your template is saved you will be able to pick it when using the Stage MARC Records for Import tool.
![Koha MARC modification templates](
Get there: More > Tools > Catalog > Stage MARC records for import
This tool can be used to import both bibliographic and authority records that are saved in MARC format. Importing records into Koha includes two steps. The first is to stage records for import.
First find the MARC file on your computer
Next you will be presented with options for record matching and item imports
Enter 'Comments about this file' to identify your upload when going to the 'Manage Staged MARC Records' tool
Tell Koha which type of file this is, bibliographic or authority
Choose the character encoding
Choose if you would like to use a MARC Modification Template to alter the data you're about to import
Choose whether or not you want to look for matching records
You can set up record matching rules through the administration area
When using the ISBN matching rule Koha will find only exact matches. If you find that the ISBN match is not working to your satisfaction you can change the AggressiveMatchOnISBN preference to 'Do' and then run your import again.
Next choose what to do with matching records if they are found
Finally choose what to do with records that are unique
Next you can choose whether or not to import the item data found in the MARC records (if the file you're loading is a bibliographic file)
From here you can choose to always add items regardless of matching status, add them only if a matching bib was found, add items only if there was no matching bib record, replace items if a matching bib was found (The match will look at the itemnumbers and barcodes to match on for items. Itemnumbers take precendence over barcodes), or Ignore items and not add them.
Click 'Stage for import'
You will be presented with a confirmation of your MARC import
To complete the process continue to the Manage Staged MARC Records Tool
Get there: More > Tools > Catalog > Staged MARC Record Management
Once you have staged your records for import you can complete the import using this tool.
![Koha Staged MARC Record Management](
From the list of staged records, click on the file name that you want to finish importing
You will note that records that have already been imported will say so under 'Status'
A summary of your import will appear along with the option to change your matching rules
Below the summary is the option to import the batch of bib records using a specific framework
Choosing a framework other than 'Default' isn't necessary, but it's helpful for running reports and having the right bib level item type selected on import.
Below the framework selection there will be a list of the records that will be imported
Review your summary before completing your import to make sure that your matching rule worked and that the records appear as you expect them to
Matches will appear with info under the 'Match details column'
and when clicking the 'View' link under 'Diff' you can see the difference between versions.
Click 'Import into catalog' to complete the import
Once your import is complete a link to the new bib records will appear to the right of each title that was imported
You can also undo your import by clicking the 'Undo import into catalog' button
Records imported using this tool remain in the 'reservoir' until they are cleaned. These items will appear when searching the catalog from the Cataloging tool:
![Koha Staged MARC Record Management](
To clean items out of the 'reservoir':
Visit the main screen of the Manage Staged MARC Records tool
To clean a batch, click the 'Clean' button to the right
You will be presented with a confirmation message
Accept the deletion and the records will be removed from the reservoir and the status will be changed to 'cleaned'
Get there: More > Tools > Catalog > Upload Local Cover Image
This tool will allow you to upload cover images for the materials in your catalog. To access this tool, staff will need the upload_local_cover_images permission. In order for images to show in the staff client and/or OPAC you will need to set your LocalCoverImages and/or OPACLocalCoverImages preferences to 'Display.' Images can be uploaded in batches or one by one.
Koha does not have a maximum file size limit for this tool, but Apache may limit the maximum size of uploads (talk to your sys admin).
When you want to upload multiple images onto a bib record, they will display left to right (then top to bottom, depending on screen real estate) in order of uploading, and the one on the left (the first one uploaded) will be the one used as a thumbnail cover in search results and on the detail page. There is no way to reorder cover images uploaded in this way, so be sure to upload them in the order you'd like them to appear.
![Koha Upload Local Cover Image](
If uploading a single image:
Visit the tool and click the 'Browse' button to browse to the image on your local machine.
Click 'Upload file'
Choose 'Image file' under the 'File type' section
Enter the biblionumber for the record you're attaching this image to. This is not the same as the barcode, this is the system generated number assigned by Koha.
Find the biblionumber by looking at the end of the URL in the address bar when on the detail page
or by clicking on the MARC tab on the detail page in the staff client
If you would like to replace any other cover images you may have uploaded in the past, check the 'Replace existing covers' box under the 'Options' section
Click 'Process images'
You will be presented with a summary of the upload and a link to the record you have just added the image to
If uploading a batch of images at once you will need to prepare a ZIP file first.
Enter in to the ZIP file all the images you are uploading
Also include a text file (*.TXT) named either datalink.txt or idlink.txt listing the biblionumber followed by the image name for each image one per line
ex. 4091,image4091.jpg
Browse your local computer to the ZIP file
Click 'Upload file'
Choose 'Zip file' under the 'File type' section
If you would like to replace any other cover images you may have uploaded in the past, check the 'Replace existing covers' box under the 'Options' section
Click 'Process images'
You will be presented with a summary of the upload
The source image is used to generate a 140 x 200 px thumbnail image and a 600 x 800 px full-size image. The original sized image uploaded will not be stored by Koha
You will be able to see your cover images in the staff client on the detail page under the 'Image' tab in the holdings table at the bottom
![Koha Upload Local Cover Image](
In the OPAC the cover images will also appear in the images tab, as well as next to the title and on the search results.
If you would like to remove a cover image you can click 'Delete image' below the image if you have the upload_local_cover_images permission.
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