Running Custom Reports | Best Book Buddies
  1. Koha ManualKoha Manual
  2. Reports
  3. How to manage custom reports?


How to manage custom reports?

Koha's data is stored in a MySQL database which means that librarians can generate nearly any report they would like by either using the Guided Reports Wizard or writing their own SQL query.

Reports can also be added by duplicating an existing report. Visit the 'Saved reports' page to see all of the reports listed on your system already.


To the right of every report there is an 'Actions' pull down. Clickin that and choose 'Duplicate' to use an existing report as the basis for your new report. That will populate the new report form with the existing SQL for easy editing and resaving.

Every report can be edited from the reports lists. To see the list of reports already stored in Koha, click 'Use Saved.'


To find the report you'd like to edit you can sort by any of the columns by clicking the on the column header. You can also filter your results using the filter menu on the left or use the tabs to find reports based on your custom groups.

From this list you can edit any custom report by clicking 'Actions' to the right of the report and choosing 'Edit' from the menu that appears.


The form to edit the report will appear.


Once custom reports are saved to Koha, you can run them by going to the Saved Reports page and clicking the 'Actions' button to the right of the report and choosing 'Run'.


When you report runs you will either be asked for some values


or you will see the results right away


From the results you can choose to rerun the report by clicking 'Run report' at the top, edit the report by clicking the 'Edit' button or starting over and creating a new report by using the 'New' button. You can also download your results by choosing a file type at the bottom of the results next to the 'Download the report' label and clicking 'Download.'


A Comma Separated Text file is a CSV file and it can be opened by any spreadsheet application.

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