
Know catalog modifications.

  • Get there: More > Tools > Catalog > Inventory/Stocktaking

Koha's Inventory Tool can be used in one of two ways, the first is by printing out a shelf list that you can then mark items off on, or by uploading a text files of barcodes gathered by a portable scanner.

If you do not have the ability to use your barcode scanner on the floor of the library, the first option available to you is to generate a shelf list based on criteria you enter.


Choose which library, shelving location, call number range, item status and when the item was last seen to generate a shelf list that you can then print to use while walking around the library checking your collection


Alternatively you can export the list to a CSV file for altering in an application on your desktop. Simply check the box next to 'Export to csv file' to generate this file.

Once you have found the items on your shelves you can return to this list and check off the items you found to have the system update the last seen date to today.

If you have a portable scanner (or a laptop and USB scanner) you can walk through the library with the scanner in hand and scan barcodes as you come across them. Once finished you can then upload the text file generated by the scanner to Koha


Choose the text file and the date you want to mark all items as seen and then scroll to the very bottom and click 'Submit.'

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