Know patrons and circulation features.
Get there: More > Tools > Patron Card Creator
The Patron Card Creator allow you to use layouts and templates which you design to print your custom patron cards on your printer. Here are some of the features of the Patron Card Creator module:
Customize patron card layouts with text retrieved from the Koha patron data
Design custom card templates for printed patron cards (to match the label sheets)
Build and manage batches of patron cards to print
Export (as PDF) single or multiple batches to print
Export (as PDF) single or multiple patron cards from within a batch
1.6.1 Layouts
Get there: More > Tools > Patron Card Creator > Manage > Layouts
A layout defines the text and images that will be printed on to the card and where it will appear.
Up to three lines of text, the patron's number in barcode representation and up to two images can be printed on to the card. Add a Layout
If you have no layouts defined, you will add a new layout by clicking the 'New' button and choosing 'Layout'.
You may also choose to press 'Manage layout' on the left side. Here you are offered a list of available layouts you can select for editing. But at the top of the page there is still the 'New layout' button.
The name you assign to the layout is for your benefit, name it something that will be easy to identify at a later date
The Units pull down is used to define what measurement scale you're going to be using for your layout.
NoteA Postscript Point is 1/72" an Adobe Agate is 1/64", an Inch is 25.4 SI Millimeters
Next note if this layout is for the front or the back of the patron card
NoteYou will need a layout for both the front and back of your card if you have 2-sided library cards, this option doesn't allow you to print two sided cards, just lets you track which side of the card you're designing.
You have the option of adding up to 3 lines of text to your card. Your text can be static text of your choosing and/or fields from the patron record. If you want to print fields from the patron record you want to put the field names in brackets like so - <firstname>
NoteA full list of field names can be found in the database schema at
For each line of text, you can choose your font, font size and the location of the text on the card using the lower X and Y coordinates
In order to show the barcode and the patron card number you will need to check the 'Print Card Number as Barcode' option. This will turn the patron card number into a barcode. If you want the number to print in human readable format you will need to check the 'Print Card Number as Text Under Barcode' option.
Finally you can choose up to two images to print on the card.
One can be the patron image which you can resize to meet your needs.
The other image can be something like a library logo or symbol that you uploaded using the 'Manage Images' module of the Patron Card Creator Tool.
It is the designers responsibility to define textlines, barcode and images such that overlap is avoided.
After saving, your layouts will appear on the 'Manage layouts' page.
1.6.2 Templates
Get there: More > Tools > Patron Card Creator > Manage > Card templates
A template describes the arrangement of labels on the label sheet/card stock you are using. This might be Avery 5160 for address labels, Gaylord 47-284 for spine labels or Avery 28371 for your patron cards, just to give a couple of examples. All of the information you will need for setting up a template may be on the packaging, and if not it can usually be found on the vendor's website or can be measured from a sample sheet. Add a Template
To add a new template click on the 'New template' button at the top of your page which brings you to the Edit template form immediately. You may also choose to press 'Manage templates' on the left side. Here you are offered a list of available templates you can select for editing. But in the top of the page there is still the 'New template' button.
Using the form that appears after pressing either 'Edit' or 'New template'you can define the template for your sheet of labels or cards.
Template ID is simply a system generated unique id
Template Code should be the name of this template to identify it on a list of templates
You can use the Template Description to add additional information about the template
The Units pull down is used to define what measurement scale you're going to be using for the template.
NoteA Postscript Point is 1/72" an Adobe Agate is 1/64", an Inch is 25.4 SI Millimeters
The measurements (page height, page width, card width, card height) may be on the packaging, and if not it can usually be found on the vendor's website or can be measured from a sample sheet.
A profile is a set of "adjustments" applied to a given template just prior to printing which compensates for anomalies unique and peculiar to a given printer (to which the profile is assigned).
Before defining a profile try printing some sample cards so that you can take measurements to define a profile to perform the right adjustments for your printer/template combination.
After finding and documenting any anomalies in the printed document, then you can create a profile and assign it to the template.
ImportantDo not specify a profile unless needed, i.e. do not click to define a printer profile. It is not possible to remove a profile from a template but you can switch to another profile.
NoteIf you are using different printers you may be required to define several templates that are identical only different profiles are specified.
After saving, your templates will appear on the 'Manage templates' page.
1.6.3 Profiles
Get there: More > Tools > Patron Card Creator > Manage > Profiles
A profile is a set of "adjustments" applied to a given template just prior to printing which compensates for anomalies unique and peculiar to a given printer. This means if you set a template up and then print a sample set of data and find that the items are not all aligned the same on each card, you need to set up a profile for each printer (or even different tray selections on the same printer) to make up for the differences in printing styles, such as the shifting of text to the left, right, top or bottom.
If your cards are printing just the way you want, you will not need a profile. Add a Profile
To add a new profile, you want to click on the 'Profiles' button at the top of your page and choose 'New Profile'
To add a new profile, you want to click on the 'New profile' button at the top of your page. Using the form that appears you can define the values to correct the card misalignments on your label sheet. You may also choose 'Manage profiles' on the left side and select one of the currently available profiles for editing.
The Printer Name and Paper Bin do not have to match your printer exactly, they are for your reference so you can remember what printer you have set the profile for.
NoteFor example: if you want to use the Printer model number in printer name you can, or you can call it 'the printer on my desk'
Template will be filled in once you have chosen which template to apply the profile to on the template edit form
The Units pull down is used to define what measurement scale you're going to be using for your profile.
NoteA Postscript Point is 1/72" an Adobe Agate is 1/64", an Inch is 25.4 SI Millimeters
Offset should be used when the entire image is off center either vertically or horizontally. Creep describes a condition where the distance between the labels changes across the page or up and down the page
For offset and creep values, negative numbers move the printed information up and to the left on the printed sheet and positive numbers move down and to the right
Example: the text is printed 0 .25" from the left edge of the first label, 0 .28" from the left edge of the second label and 0 .31" from the left edge of the third label. This means the horizontal creep should be set to (minus) -0.03 " to make up for this difference.
After saving, your profiles will appear on the 'Manage Printer Profiles' page.
Once you have saved your new profile, you can return to the list of templates and choose to edit the template that this profile is for.
1.6.4 Batches
Get there: More > Tools > Patron Card Creator > Manage > Card batches
A batch is a collection of patrons for whom you want to generate cards. Add a Batch
To add a new batch, you want to click on the 'New batches' button at the top of your page. Choosing the menu item 'Manage batches' on the left a list of already defined batches is displayed. In this display you can either select a batch for editing or add a new batch.
For a new batch a message pops up and directs you to select patrons to be processed in this batch.
After choosing the 'Add item(s)' button the Patron Search window pops up.
From here you can search for patrons to add to your batch by any part of their name, their category and/or library. Entering * in the search box will display all the patrons.
From the results you can add patrons to the batch by clicking the 'Add' button. After adding patrons from the results you can start over and perform another search or click 'Close' at the bottom of the screen to indicate that you are done. You will then be presented with your batch.
If you are satisfied with your batch you can proceed to export. If you want to correct or even delete that batch the buttons to do so can be found at the top of your screen. You can always come back here through the 'Manage > Card batches' button.
If you would like to export all patron cards you can click 'Export card batch' otherwise you can choose specific patrons to print cards for by checking the box to the right of their names and then choose 'Export selected card(s)' at the top.
The export menu will ask you to choose a template, a layout and starting position (where on the sheet should printing begin).
For the starting position if the first 6 labels have already been used on your sheet you can start printing on label in position 7 on the sheet. The labels are numbered left to right from top to bottom.
Once you click 'Export' you will be presented with a PDF of your labels for printing
When you open the PDF you will see the cards for printing
The above image shows a layout that is made up of two textlines. The first one is just plain text, the second one is composed of the <firstname> <surname> fields. A patron image is printed (if available) and the barcode of patrons number is displayed in code 39. All this is printed on a template with three columns and 8 rows using position 1-3 here. When printing this PDF please take care that your printer doesn't rescale the PDF (e.g do not fit to paper size) otherwise the printer will not be able to print to the right place per your templates.
1.6.5 Manage Images
Get there: More > Tools > Patron Card Creator > Manage > Images
Images uploaded using this tool will appear on the menu when creating patron card layouts. You are limited in how many images you can upload (not counting patron images) by the ImageLimit system preference.
Images must be under 500k in size.
Pictures uploaded with this tool should be at least 300dpi which is the minimum quality for a printable image.
In the center of the screen is a simple upload form, simply browse for the file on your computer and give it a name you'll recognize later.
Once the file is uploaded you will be presented with a confirmation message.
And the image will be listed with all of your others on the right hand side of the page.
To delete one or multiple of these images, click the checkbox to the right of each image you want to delete and click the 'Delete' button.
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