Know patrons and circulation features.
1.3 Patron Import
Get there: More > Tools > Patrons and Circulation > Import Patrons
The patron import tool can be used at any time to add patrons in bulk. It is commonly used in universities and schools when a new batch of students registers.
1.3.1 Creating Patron File
Your Koha installation comes with a blank CSV file that you can use as a template for your patron records. If you would like to create the file yourself, make sure that your file has the following fields in this order as the header row:
cardnumber, surname, firstname, title, othernames, initials, streetnumber, streettype, address, address2, city, state, zipcode, country, email, phone, mobile, fax, emailpro, phonepro, B_streetnumber, B_streettype, B_address, B_address2, B_city, B_state, B_zipcode, B_country, B_email, B_phone, dateofbirth, branchcode, categorycode, dateenrolled, dateexpiry, gonenoaddress, lost, debarred, debarredcomment, contactname, contactfirstname, contacttitle, guarantorid, borrowernotes, relationship, ethnicity, ethnotes, sex, password, flags, userid, opacnote, contactnote, sort1, sort2, altcontactfirstname, altcontactsurname, altcontactaddress1, altcontactaddress2, altcontactaddress3, altcontactstate, altcontactzipcode, altcontactcountry, altcontactphone, smsalertnumber, privacy, patron_attributes
The 'password' should be stored in plaintext, and will be converted to a Bcrypt hash.
If your passwords are already encrypted, talk to your systems administrator about options
Date formats should match your system preference, and must be zero-padded, e.g. '01/02/2008'.
The fields 'branchcode', 'categorycode' and all fields you have defined in the BorrowerMandatoryField preference are required and must match valid entries in your database.
If loading patron attributes, the 'patron_attributes' field should contain a comma-separated list of attribute types and values.
The attribute type code and a colon should precede each value.
For example: "INSTID:12345,BASEBALL:Cubs"
This field must be wrapped in quotes if multiple values are defined.
Since values can contain spaces, additional doubled-quotes may be required:
"INSTID:12345,BASEBALL:Cubs,""BASEBALL:White Sox"""
When replacing a patron record, any attributes specified in the input file replace all of the attribute values of any type that were previously assigned to the patron record.
1.3.2 Importing Patrons
Once you have created your file, you can use the Patron Import Tool to bring the data into Koha.
Choose your CSV file
Choose to match on 'Cardnumber' or 'Username' to prevent adding of duplicate card numbers to the system
Next you can choose default values to apply to all patrons you are importing
ex. If you're importing patrons specific to one branch you can use the field on the Import form to apply the branch code to all those you are importing.
Finally you need to decide on what data you want to replace if there are duplicates.
A matching record is found using the field you chose for matching criteria to prevent duplication
If you included patron attributes in your file you can decide whether to add your values to existing values or erase existing values and enter only your new values.
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