Know patrons and circulation features.
1.10 Upload Patron Images
Get there: More > Tools > Patrons and Circulation > Upload Patron Images
Patron images can be uploaded in bulk if you are allowing patron images to be attached to patron records. These images can also be used when creating patron cards.
Create a txt file and title it "DATALINK.TXT" or "IDLINK.TXT"
On each line in the text file enter the patron's card number followed by comma (or tab) and then the image file name
Make sure that your TXT file is a plain text document, not RTF.
Zip up the text file and the image files
Go to the Upload Patron Images Tool
For a single image, simply point to the image file and enter the patron card number
For multiple images, choose to upload a zip file
After uploading you will be presented with a confirmation
There is a limit of 100K on the size of the picture uploaded and it is recommended that the image be 200x300 pixels, but smaller images will work as well.
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