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Industry & Innovation

Industry & Innovation
Industry & Innovation
Industry and Innovation is an international refereed journal presenting high-quality original scholarship of the dynamics of industries and innovation. Interdisciplinary in nature, Industry and Innovation is informed by, and contributes in turn to, advancing the theoretical frontier within economics, management, sociology, and economic geography. Broadly, the theoretical concerns of Industry and Innovation are:
  • How are innovation patterns and economic performance related to different industrial structures and institutions?
  • How does innovation relate to economic performance at the firm, industry, and regional/city level?
  • What are the institutional underpinnings for different organizational forms?  
The journal hence adds to a new generation of theory on industrial organization and change, drawing upon the institutional turn within economics in a broad sense.
Focus themes

Industry and Innovation dedicates special attention to three focus themes that the editorial board believes to hold considerable opportunities for future research. The focus themes are meant to provide inspiration for potential authors to conduct work in these areas and to encourage them to submit their research to Industry and Innovation. The three focus themes are as follows:

  • Qualifying open innovation:
    Research on open and distributed Innovation has so far addressed a variety of aspects related to the flows of knowledge across organizational and industry boundaries, and their impact on value creation and value capture in different types of organizations and industries. This focus theme specifically welcomes manuscripts, which advance our understanding of when and for which projects and organizations various forms of opening up innovation processes are really beneficial. More specifically, we seek novel contributions related to relevant contingencies and moderators, which generate important management implications of the open innovation paradigm. Contingency factors or moderating effects can for example relate to the characteristics of knowledge sources, innovation-relevant problems or specific qualities of individuals, organizations or industries.
  • Innovation and international business:
    The focus theme welcomes manuscripts addressing issues related to international knowledge flows and international knowledge sourcing, which advance our understanding of the opportunities and challenges of innovating across borders. The ultimate aim of the focus theme is to stimulate a debate on globalization of R&D and technology development within and across global networks of multinational enterprises. To this end, we seek contributions offering new theoretical insights and fresh evidence on the localization of innovative activities and knowledge management strategies accounting also for different global, national and regional institutional contexts, and political environments. Innovation catch-up strategies of latecomers from emerging economies are also a topic of interest of the focus theme.
  • Innovation in the entrepreneurial process:
    Entrepreneurship research has traditionally focused on the actors, actions, resources, environmental influences and outcomes related to discovery and creation of entrepreneurial opportunities. Moreover, research has addressed the characteristics, actions, and challenges of owner-managers and their businesses. The focus theme invites submissions that are particularly interested in the intersection of these areas of entrepreneurship research with innovation. In that regard, we seek submissions that deal with innovation in the entrepreneurial process, both as a source of opportunities and as a consequence of entrepreneurship. We are also interested in the institutional underpinnings of innovation in entrepreneurial firms, for example the role of intellectual property rights or markets for technology.
The focus themes have been introduced for the first time in 2015 and will be revised periodically as warranted by new developments. While putting special emphasis on these focus themes, it is important to note that Industry and Innovation invites submission of all work that falls under the broader aims and scope outlined above.

Peer Review Policy:

All articles have undergone rigorous editorial screening and double-blind peer review by a minimum of two recognized scholars. Industry and Innovation strives for a smooth and constructive review process with a first decision made not later than eight weeks after submission and a final decision after a maximum of two rounds of reviews.

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  • Publisher: Routledge
  • Publication Year: 1998, Volume5/1
  • Language: English
  • Volume: 26
  • Seller: BestBookBuddies  
  • Category: Journals
  • Stock: 9999
  • Model: 1469-8390
  • Weight: kg
  • SKU: 1469-8390
  • ISBN: 1469-8390
  • Sold By: taylorandfrancis
  • Contact Seller
  • ₹146,966.41
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