Insight Into Circulation Messages | Best Book Buddies
  1. Koha ManualKoha Manual
  2. Circulation
  3. Insight into circulation messages.


Insight into circulation messages.

Circulation messages are short messages that librarians can leave for their patrons or their colleagues that will appear at the time of circulation.

Circulation messages are set up as Authorized Values. To add or edit Circulation Messages you want to work with the BOR_NOTES value.

Koha Insight into circulation messages

The 'Description' field can hold a canned message that you would like to appear on the patron's record.


The 'Description' field is limited to 80 characters, but the patron message field can hold more than that. Enter 80 characters in the 'Description' field and then type the rest on the patron record.

When on the patron's check out tab you will see a link to 'Add a new message' to the right of the check out box and a button at the top to 'Add message'.

Koha Adding a Message

When you click either of these options you will be asked to choose if the message is for the librarians or the patron and the message you would like to leave.

Koha Adding a Message

A message for the patron will also show to the library staff.

Circulation messages meant for the staff and/or the patron will appear on the patron's checkout screen to the right of the checkout box. Messages in bold and red are meant for the library staff only, whereas messages in regular italics font are meant for the patron and the librarian.

Koha Viewing Messages

Circulation messages meant for the patron will also appear when they log into the OPAC.

Koha Viewing Messages

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